Acquisition or renewal procedure
Your club helps you with the administrative procedures for your acquisition and renewal requests in shooting sports
Procedure for an acquisition
How do I apply for authorization?
Votre devez être titulaire d’un compte SIA licencié, puis :
Effectuer par le biais du compte SIA votre autorisation.
Télécharger dans votre compte SIA :
– l’avis préalable de la FFTir (feuille verte) pour acquisition
– votre extrait d’acte de naissance datant de moins de 3 mois
– cocher les 2 cases stipulant que vous possédez bien un coffre-fort et que vous n’avez pas été en traitement dans un centre psychiatrique.
*The applicant must have at least 6 months and 3 days of seniority in a shooting club affiliated to the French Shooting Federation in order to be able to request a favorable opinion (i.e. 3 supervised shootings spaced at least 2 months and 1 day apart and validated on the attendance booklet).
What is the term of the authorization?
The authorization is granted for 5 years maximum.
The decision is notified to you: Formality by which a procedural act or a decision is brought to the knowledge of a person.
If you move to another department, you must indicate your new address at the prefecture of your new residence.
Procedure for a renewal
How do I apply for a renewal?
You must submit your renewal application au plus tard 3 mois avant la date de fin de l’autorisation dans votre compte SIA.
Si ce délai n’est pas respecté, l’autorisation n’est pas renouvelée, sauf empêchement justifié (Exemple : une hospitalisation).
Les documents à fournir pour le renouvellement sont identiques à ceux pour la demande initiale.
If your application for renewal of authorization is not made on time, unfortunately you will have to dispose of your weapon and ammunition or have your weapon deactivated.
Additional information on category B weapons
We would like to remind our members of the regulations concerning the acquisition and possession of weapons, components of weapons and ammunition of categories B whose possession is indeed authorized under an authorization issued by the prefect of the place of residence and which is valid for 5 years.
What are the conditions to have a category B weapon?
It is important to fill in the conditions listed below to hold a category B weapon for shooting sports:
- - Be of legal age
- - Do not be registered in FINIADA (National file of persons prohibited from acquiring and holding weapons)
- - Do not have a criminal record (the prefecture will make the request for the bulletin n°2 of the criminal record following the request for acquisition).
- - Do not behave in a way that makes you fear the use of the weapon is dangerous to yourself or to others
- - Not be prohibited from owning or carrying a weapon under a protective order for victims of violence
- - Not to have been admitted to psychiatric care
- - Be in a physical or mental state compatible with the possession of a category B weapon
- - Present a valid license from the French Shooting Federation (for some category B weapons)
- - If you are a minor, you must be a selected shooter participating in international competitions and be at least 12 years old
Sources : Intérieur, Demarches-Ministère de l’. « Démarches – Ministère de l’Intérieur ». https://www.demarches.interieur.gouv.fr.