Sports competitions: PS CUP Level II & PS OPEN Level III

The sports competitions of the OUTDOOR Provence Shooting Club :





Provence Shooting Cup (PS CUP) is a competition of TSV Handgun PCC of Level 2 including 10 training courses realized on one day.

It is the first official competition of the club which gathered more than 200 shooters.

It was held on August 26, 27 and 28, 2022 at the Arbois range (Provence Shooting Club).

This event generated a lot of positive feedback on social networks, which reinforced the organizers of the club and the event in the idea of continuing to make this type of competition.






Provence Shooting Open or PS OPEN (PSO) is a Level 3 ShotGun competition with 14 stages.

This event brought together about a hundred shooters from 11 delegations from all over the world (Italy, Portugal, Ukraine, England, Spain, USA, …) over three days.

It is following our first PS CUP Level 2 competition, that took place the following month (September 9, 10 and 11, 2022), at the Provence Shooting Club stand in Arbois, this ShotGun Level 3 match gathering 11 different nationalities.

This competition was both a great success and an event rich in meetings and exchanges.

This observation leads to new perspectives in the organization of sporting competitions with new training courses.



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Instagram : Provence Shooting Club

Facebook : Provence Shooting Club